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Friday, May 27, 2016

Pediatric Physical Therapy--What Should I Expect? by Trisha Roberts

So your child needs Physical Therapy—what now?  How can you make the most of your therapy sessions?  What should you expect from therapy?  How can you apply the things you’ve learned?  This will give you a general idea of what Physical Therapy might look like for you and your child.

Most, but not all, Pediatric Physical Therapists are women, so I will refer to the therapist in this article as “she”.  (Please forgive me, all you wonderful male therapists out there!)  Your therapist will probably become your best friend and ally in regards to your child and their problems.  She will listen to your issues, trials, and complaints.  She will understand, like many others don’t, because she is going through this with you and has experienced similar problems with other children and families! She will provide advice and suggestions—from the type of shoes to wear, ways to position your baby in his crib, toys to stimulate growth and development, ways to play that will exercise the muscles that are weak, etc.

PT and child playing in Therapy Gym
Physical Therapy for Children

Your Physical Therapist will ask you lots of questions at your first session, so try to go prepared. Don’t be offended.  This is information that can be helpful to understanding your child and their problem. She might ask questions like:  What was your pregnancy and delivery like?  How long did your baby stay in the hospital?  Does your child have any specific diagnoses?  What specialist does your little one see?  When did she roll over?  When did he sit alone for the first time?  When did she take her first steps? What are his favorite toys?  What makes your child happy?  What makes your child sad, frustrated, angry? What do YOU feel are your child’s strengths?  What are your biggest concerns? Discuss your concerns, questions, and expectations. 

Using a Large Therapy Ball
Physical Therapists Love Using Large Therapy Balls

Your therapist will perform an Initial Assessment to determine your child’s strengths and limitations. She might use standardized testing (tests that are administered and scored in a consistent manner, which makes it possible to compare the relative performance of individual against the “standard” performance of another individual of the same chronological age). Depending on the primary problem with which your child presents, she may do a muscle test, a balance test, or measure the range of motion (ROM) in your child’s joints.
Walking up an incline in Physical Therapy Session
Practice Walking on Uneven Surfaces

The therapist will inform you of the results of the testing and let you know whether therapy is indicated for your child.  She will specify the frequency (times per week or month), duration (how long each session will run), and possibly the length of time that therapy might continue (weeks or months).  Some therapy is Clinic-based, meaning that you will need to take your children to the clinic or hospital for their therapy sessions. Other Programs, especially for young children, provide Home-based therapy, where the therapist visits the home of the child or the child’s daycare provider and the sessions occur in those familiar surroundings. She will set goals for your child based on the results of the testing and will have activities and exercises planned that will help your child accomplish those goals.

Strengthening Exercises for Children
Fun Activities to Improve Srength
Therapy with babies and children is usually in the form of play.  It is very specific play that will help your child move in new ways, gain strength, develop new skills, and advance toward their goals.                  
Fun in Physical Therapy
Physical Therapy Should be Fun!

Who visits, babysits, interacts, or plays with your child?  You might want to invite them (after getting permission from your attending therapist) to accompany you to a session or, if you are having Physical Therapy in your home, invite them to a Physical Therapy session at your house.  They can see firsthand what your child is working on and what activities they can do with your child to help improve the carry-over of those skills. 

Child learning to jump hurdles in Physical Therapy Session
Your PT Will Help Your Child Learn New Skills
Your therapist will make a written record every time you have a visit together; she will note things that you worked on together and the progress that your child has made toward their goals.  She will also perform periodic re-assessments as your therapy progresses.  You should be provided with a Home Exercise Program (HEP) that will outline things that you can do at home that will help your child make progress toward their goals.

Learning to Balance using the Rocker Board in Physical Therapy
Improving Balance

Should you be present in the session?  Usually the first session is conducted with the parent (s) present because you will be providing information to the therapist and your child will probably be somewhat shy on initially meeting a new person. Some children perform better when their parents are not present.  Other children enjoy having their parents accompany them to their sessions.  Work with your therapist to determine the best course of action.  If you are not present during the actual work session, make sure that you allow time at the end of the session to discuss with your therapist how the session went and what you should be working on before your next scheduled visit.

Remember, you are a vital part of the team and of the entire therapy process.  You have the responsibility for your child 24/7.  Make the most of your parenting time!  Your therapist is a valuable resource, so get as much information from her as you can so that you can apply what you’ve learned and help your child advance between sessions.

by Trisha Roberts, Early Intervention Physical Therapist

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1 comment:

  1. Hey,
    Thanks for sharing such an amazing and informative post. Really enjoyed reading it . :)



    physical therapist job description
