If you ask any American mom or dad what they want for their
children when they are grown, independence and success rate high on the list. So how do we develop independence and success? What is success? What is independence? We’ll look at developing independence in
another blog. For now, let’s discuss
One definition of success from Merriam-Webster Dictionary
states that success is a, “favorable or desired
outcome; also: the attainment of wealth, favor, or eminence.”
I would further state that success can be a satisfactory completion
of a task or goal; to gain respect, esteem or approval. Successful can also mean fruitful, positive,
effective, popular, wealthy, thriving, flourishing, productive, victorious,
unbeaten, or triumphant.
A recent
study examined the childhood attributes of successful people and how parents
play a role in their development. Two
contributing factors that were common in people labeled as “successful” were:
- The early development of a work ethic—they make their kids do chores
- They develop good relationships—they are given the opportunity to give and receive love.
How does a child develop a work ethic? Observing the value parents (and other
significant adults) place on doing work,
the desire to work hard, the determination to do a good job, and perseverance in
completing tasks, goes a long way toward developing a good sense of work ethic. Parents who believe that work is a moral good--that
it can be fun, that it is fruitful, that it is rewarding—model for children an
attitude that is frequently followed as they grow up.
But observation is not enough. Children should be given appropriate chores
at an early age. A young child can be asked to put their laundered and folded
clothes in their drawers or cupboard; this is actually a great way to reinforce
memory and sorting.
Picking up toys, feeding a pet, making a bed, emptying trash cans around the house, drying dishes, carrying groceries in from the car, and setting the table are all chores that even young children can learn and accomplish. When children participate in chores, they solidify the family unit—they come to understand that work needs to be done and each person needs to contribute for the betterment of the entire family. They experience the joy and success of a job completed and feel valued for their role. We hear today of children growing up feeling "entitled", "elite", and "exempt". Let's teach our kids to be team players and to work together for the good of the home unit!
Picking up toys, feeding a pet, making a bed, emptying trash cans around the house, drying dishes, carrying groceries in from the car, and setting the table are all chores that even young children can learn and accomplish. When children participate in chores, they solidify the family unit—they come to understand that work needs to be done and each person needs to contribute for the betterment of the entire family. They experience the joy and success of a job completed and feel valued for their role. We hear today of children growing up feeling "entitled", "elite", and "exempt". Let's teach our kids to be team players and to work together for the good of the home unit!
This is also a part of developing good relationships and which
is another key factor in developing healthy, successful children. All of us
long to be loved and accepted. Children need
to experience love and have an opportunity to express love. From infancy onward, children need to hear the
words, “I love you” and to experience love in a language they understand. (See
Gary Chapman’s book, “The
Five Love Languages: The Secret to Love that Lasts”). A touch, a gift, a statement of worth,
quality time, and an act of service are ways to express love. Parents should model loving behavior and
encourage children to express their love and appreciation for other family
members, neighbors, and acquaintances.
There is no “perfect family” or a family that never
experiences conflict, but when children see parents resolving differences they
are reassured that their parents can work through difficulties and are committed
to one another and to the family. Even
in divorced homes, children experience less emotional damage when their parents
choose to get along.
Business Insider states in
their article, Ensure a Great Education for Students Across
the Country, “Chronic stress from repeated exposure to destructive conflict can result in kids that are worried, anxious, hopeless,
angry, aggressive, behaviorally-challenged, sickly, tired, and struggling

Conflict resolution leads to restored balance; kids are reassured of the love and commitment their parents. They learn social skills that help them be productive, successful and fulfilled as adults.
Blog Administrator: Trisha Roberts
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